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Puppy Swims


We offer a FREE first session as we think ensuring a puppy is comfortable in the pool has so many benefits, not just tiring the little angels a bit more than the exercise limitations on land allow.

Firstly, it is non-weightbearing so there is no stress or strain on joints and soft bones. When exercising on land there is a 5 minutes per month of life rule and sometimes this just isn't enough and for the large breeds even this can be a little too much for their big bodies.

Secondly, it is an amazing new social experience in a safe and comfortable environment. The pup will meet new people, new smells, wear a float coat, have a shower and so much more.

Thirdly, should your pup ever need rehab in the future, they are already comfortable in the pool.

And did I mention that the first session is FREE?

As with any pool session, the vet needs to sign a consent so you can either download the form from our website or just give us a call on 01268 514 996 and we can sort it all out for you.

(Our puppy Flea, swimming with her big sister, Ehren. Photo credit Trixie Ashby Pet Photography)

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